Friday, November 15, 2013

wireless communication networks(WCN) important questions for 2nd mid

wireless communication networks(WCN) important questions for 2nd mid

1.Explain various services offered by WSP in detail ?
2.a)Explain the function of DCF sublayer in IEEE 802.11
b)Explain various fields of MAC frame in detail
3.a)Write about piconet and scatternet
b)Explain about the logical channels of Bluetooth
4.Explain the base band specifications of Bluetooth ?

download WCN txt book
wireless communications and networks by william stallings 2nd edition


1.    Explain various services offered by wsp in detail.
2.    Explain the functions of DCF sub layer in IEEE 802.11.
3.    Discuss the various fields of MAC frame in detail.
4.    Write short notes on piconets and scatter nets.
5.    Discuss various logical channels of Bluetooth.
6.    With the help of a neat diagram explain the WAP programming model.
7.    Explain in detail about
a. Infrared LAN
b. spread-spectrum LAN
c. narrow band microwave LANs
8.    Explain IEEE 802.11 architecture and services in detail
9.    Explain the baseband specifications of Bluetooth.
10. Explain about ICH and CCH in GSM.
11. Explain in detail about MAC protocol and transport layer protocol.
12. Explain various methods of improving the capacity of cellular radio system.
13. Compare the wireless ATM reference model with the IEEE 802.11 reference model in terms of functionality of Elements, connections to backbone and changes needed in the infrastructure too

please comment if any errors found

Monday, October 14, 2013

Books on Electric Drives

Books on Electric Drives

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 Modern Power Electronics And AC Drives - Bimal K. Bose.pdf  

 Electric Motors and Drives (Austin).pdf
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